GfK Loyalty Plus

Because satisfied customers are not always loyal, and dissatisfied customers are not always lost, we offer GfK Loyalty Plus SM , a comprehensive loyalty measurement that is predictive of future customer behavior.

The Customer Experience
The Customer Experience

The GfK Point of View 

Loyalty is more than likelihood to recommend, it has behaviorial and attitudinal dimensions. GfK Loyalty Plus measures the intensity of customer relationships on important behavioral and attitudinal dimensions including:

  • Current and past behavior
    Often, but not always, current and past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior. Behavioral loyalty measures include actual word of mouth and may include share of requirements and/or number of products or services purchased.
  • Intended behavior 
    Intentions about continuing the relationship are often good predictors of future behavior as well. These include survey questions such as 'likelihood to recommend' and 'likelihood to continue and grow the relationship'.
  • Emotional ties
    Attitudes that reflect deep-seated feelings toward the relationship may be more stable and predictive of future loyalty than either behaviors or intentions. Emotional ties are measured with survey questions about issues such as trustworthiness, respect and relevance.
  • Rational ties
    To capture the logical reasons for maintaining customer relationships, we measure rational ties. These include such things as quality, convenience and value. 

GfK Loyalty Plus enables companies to:

Improve customer retention by understanding how satisfaction and other factors affect loyalty.

Identify and manage loyalty segments—that each have unique strategic implications. Based on GfK Loyalty Plus and satisfaction scores, customers are classified into loyalty segments: Loyal Advocate, Ambivalent, Hostage, and Exit Bound.

Score databases and build predictive models—to guide strategy and tactics for improving loyalty and the bottom line, including:

  • Loyalty and Attrition Models
  • Value Simulator
  • Customer Lifetime Value estimates for ROI models

Focus on bottom line results by linking customer loyalty improvements to profits.

For more information on GfK Loyalty Plus and other GfK Customer Loyalty products and services, please contact us.

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See How GfK Loyalty Plus Compares

GfK Loyalty Plus frequently outperforms alternative loyalty metrics, meaning that high-scoring customers stay with your company longer and give you a greater share of wallet. The example below illustrates how high scores on our metric produce more revenue than promoters. Low scoring customers generate less revenue than detractors.

See How GfK Loyalty Plus Compares
See How GfK Loyalty Plus Compares

Benchmarks for some sectors are available in industry reports, such as Retail Banking Credit Cards, Wireless Communications and Automotive. For more information, please contact us.

Improving the Customer Experience

GfK Loyalty Plus is an integral part of Guest Experience Management SM and growing your customer base.

Improving the Customer Experience with Guest Experience Management
Improving the Customer Experience with Guest Experience Management

To read more about Guest Experience Management, click the image above.