Key Driver Analysis (KDA+)

KDAPlus Identifies key drivers of your business, which is defined as those product and service attributes that have the greatest impact on overall satisfaction.

By identifying and measuring these attributes, you understand your customer better so that customers become:

  • More loyal
  • More profitable to serve, and
  • Advocates, providing positive "word-of-mouth”

KDAPlus analysis avoids problems common with regression-based models.

  • Uses advanced game theory analysis to account for attribute collinearity

KDAPlus identifies attributes that both cause customer dissatisfaction and attributes that drive customer delight.

  • Theories of Gale and Kano
  • We separate Key Dissatisfiers from Key Enhancers

Key Driver Analysis will identify which performance improvements have the highest priority to address resulting in analysis far superior to traditional regression, which ignores that different things drive satisfaction & dissatisfaction and is restrained by high colinearity.

For more information on KDAPlus and other GfK Customer Loyalty products and services, contact us.