Research Support Services

GfK Research Center for Excellence

GfK Custom Research North America's Research Center for Excellence (RCfE) has the expertise available to take the gamble out of your next study.  Our in-house think tank of researchers is comprised of three divisions that work independently or in combination as your assignment requires.  They are:

  • Statistical Sampling & Methodology
  • Online Strategy & Methodology Division
  • Marketing Sciences & Analytics

Sharing proprietary insights, methodologies and experiences, specialists from each of these areas work hand-in-hand with your GfK account team to manage your study. This means you can be sure, over time, your study's results are actionable, maintain consistency where they should and reveal meaningful change when appropriate.

For more information, please contact us.

GfK SegMentorSM

There is no undertaking in research that is more critical to your firm’s growth than segmentation: identifying consumer groups with specific needs who are receptive to marketing, and who will pay to satisfy their needs. GfK SegMentor puts equal emphasis on planning, research, analysis and action-based utilization, ensuring that your results are not merely interesting, but actionable.

GfK Octopus

GfK Octopus is an online reporting platform or a web-based management information system or an online delivery platform for management reporting. It is a way to use the internet to make the information clients need available when and where they need it. Because it is internet-based, it is also a way for clients to communicate within their company around the globeto share information and turn that information into knowledge.

The Octopus team creates web distributed deliverables to meet client's information needs. These may be anything from dashboards with key performance indicators to customized reports for thousands (literally) of users.

A demo of GfK Octopus is available online at:

Friedman Marketing Services

Friedman Marketing Services is a data collection network that has been in business for over 25 years. Friedman specializes in all forms of market research, interviewing throughout its many nationwide interviewing facilities. Friedman offers high quality data collection utilizing state-of-the-art technology and unparalleled client service. For more information, visit

GfK Research Dynamics

Our analytical services team has over 30 years of experience in advanced analytical analysis, continually turning raw data into actionable marketing intelligence. Clients from all types of industries turn to GfK Research Dynamics to make sense of complex marketing problems and offer innovative solutions for addressing them. For more information, visit

GfK Global Operations

With a full staff of project managers for all your field and tab needs, GfK Custom Research North America maintains proprietary phone centers, an online panel and hosting environment. Operations support staff include CATI and on-line programmers; on-line panel managers and a sampling department to order and manage list samples as well as provide weighting when required. GfK Custom Research North America also includes Friedman Marketing – our own mall network of interviewing locations across the US.