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About GfK NOP

GFK NOP is a top-ten market research power, uniting some of the most renowned US and European research firms into a single global organization.  By unifying our businesses under a common identity, GFK NOP adds even greater value to the leading research and consulting companies you’ve trusted for decades:  Allison-Fisher…Mediamark Research Inc.…Market Measures/Cozint…NOP Research Group…GFK NOP Healthcare…RoperASW…RoperNOP Consulting…and Strategic Marketing Corporation. 

Our new identity signifies a key advance in the way we do business.  It symbolizes a strategic transformation into a fully integrated team, leveraging a vast range of resources, competencies and talents to optimize your market performance.  By coming together, we have re-invented our company—building a focused organization, centered around your needs. Now, more than ever, we provide a level of value, responsiveness and consultative guidance unparalleled in the industry.

GFK NOP combines research innovation and industry knowledge to bring you four key benefits:

  • Industry-specific expertise. In today’s complex world, it’s critical that your research company understand the unique nuances of your business.  GFK NOP offers experts with in-depth knowledge across 7 core areas—automotive, consumer, finance, health, technology, media and mystery shopping.  We not only know your industry as only an insider can…we can cross-fertilize ideas across industries to reveal bold new solutions to your challenges.
  • People knowledge. Today's intricate business environment calls for new tools to answer new questions. Through ongoing R&D investment, GFK NOP provides breakthrough qualitative and quantitative techniques—as well as domestic and international research expertise; best-in-field methodologies; worldwide access to your target audiences; compelling analyses; and a full span of data collection options, from Internet to phone to mail to in-person focus groups. You benefit from the profound knowledge of our people about your people—your customers, prospects and employees.
  • Total support across your marketing cycle. To ensure your products achieve and sustain growth, we offer focused expertise at every stage of the marketing process:
  1. Market Opportunity.  GFK NOP helps you explore, qualify and develop your highest-value opportunities, so you can successfully steer new products from concepts through development.
  2. Brand Strategy,  GFK NOP guides you in building integrated segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies, so you can optimize the market performance of your products.
  3. Marketing Effectiveness.  GFK NOP supports you in creating and managing marketing programs that deliver optimal results, so you can design, test and refine the most effective strategies and tactics.
  4. Customer Management.  GFK NOP gives you a deep understanding of the customer experience, so you can sell more…improve service…and secure long-term relationships.

GFK NOP has created Centers of Excellence around each of the four marketing stages, ensuring you benefit from best-practice techniques from across all industries. Drawing on the Centers of Excellence, we help you make informed decisions across the full marketing cycle. Each Center of Excellence is dedicated to developing next-generation methodologies, research and services within its specialty area. By marrying the Centers of Excellence within industry-specific business units, we offer a level of intense focus on your business needs that is unique in the industry.

The Centers of Excellence work together as a seamless entity. Common approachescalled "golden threads"link the Centers into an integrated force that provides you with unified support. "Golden threads" help you know your customersand create the strategies to impact their behaviorat the most granular level. These powerful proprietary approachesunique to GFK NOPinform your decision making and strengthen your success throughout the marketing process.

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